Riverview Co-op Preschool is celebrating 60 years of parent owned and operated pre-elementary education. In a cooperative preschool, parental involvement is the key to success. We believe that all children deserve love, attention, and nurturing. We believe that a safe environment allows children to explore and grow. We believe that positive reinforcement is important for children to develop self-esteem. Children need an environment that supports free expression and stimulates learning. Most importantly, however, children learn best when they are having fun!
At Riverview Co-op Preschool, we allow children to learn through hands-on play through doing, through observing others, and by learning at their own pace in our well-organized learning centers. Our classroom is organized into "learning centers." These are the places within our classroom where the children can find the toys and materials related by theme. These activities and toys can be used independently by the children, as a group, or with teacher direction to reinforce and enrich skills and concepts they need. Learning centers are an excellent way to individualize the curriculum to meet the varying needs of young children and this fosters age-appropriate development. We also incorporate group structured activities as in traditional classroom environments. We make sure that every child is involved in stimulating activities everyday. And, of course, we make sure they have fun!
Please discuss the classroom rules with your child before our first day of school. They are posted in our room and will be referred to often throughout the school year.
Be Safe
Be Kind
Be Responsible
Each month you will receive a Calendar of Events along with our Newsletter. These will highlight our themes for the month and school activities to include Special Events, Field Trips, and Your Scheduled Classroom Work Days. A daily lesson plan will be posted on the whiteboard in the preschool. Your child’s birthday will be scheduled on the school day closest to his/her actual birth date. It will be that parent’s responsibility to provide snack for the day. (Parents of children with summer birthdays can celebrate them during the school year. Please check with the Ms. Lisa and/or your Class Scheduler.)
Your child will be ready to leave when you arrive at the preschool (12:00 PM for the 3-year-olds & 2:00 PM for the 4-year-olds). Please be punctual. If an emergency occurs and you will not be on time, please call the school at 734-284-1966. Also, it is extremely important that any other person to whom your child may be released is listed on your emergency card. Make sure that person has a picture ID with him/her when he/she picks up your child.
Field trips are parent and child special events. They will be listed on your monthly calendar. Transportation is each individual parent’s responsibility. Other arrangements may be made for your child to attend. If this situation occurs, it is the responsibility of the parent to contact your Field Trip Coordinator to inform him/her of the arrangements made prior to the event.